In co-operation with aircraft manufacturers, AVIATIONEU NEW ERA Lease or Buy Programs have been developed for ultralight and light aircraft (*). They are generally offered as FACTORY NEW although used aircraft may be included. Depending on the selection, these can be used for recreational and business flying, pilot training, aeroclub operations or other missions (e.g surveillance or aerial photography). A range of support services are also offered (as required) depending on the leasing or buy option and the country of operations. These indicatively include initial airworthiness certification in the country of destination, user training on aircraft operations, supply of spare parts and consummables, aircraft maintenance, insurance etc. Some of these services are prerequisites in the leasing option. Please refer to the individual aircraft presentations or contact us for additional information and quotation.
(*) The term "Ultralight" is often used to denote different aircraft types across the world. In the U.S.,Ultralights are referred to as vehicles (not aircraft) and must be a single-place of very light weight. The term "Light Sport Aircraft (LSA)" is used in FAA regulations (FARs) for certification of aircraft complying with the ASTM standards and subject to specified limitations such as non-pressurised cabin, max seating capacity of two persons (including the pilot), a single reciprocating engine, a MTOW of not more than 1,320 pounds, a fixed-pitch or ground-adjustable propeller, etc. In Europe, certification of Ultralights falling under Annex II of the European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) Basic Regulation is handled under national rules. EASA has introduced a new certification process for the European Light Aeroplane (ELA) considered as a simple two-seater non-pressurised aircraft for "non-aerobatic" and "VFR day" operations only with a single, non-turbine engine fitted with a propeller and a maximum take-off weight of 600kg.