BRACKET Air Filters by BRACKET AERO FILTERS, Inc. have been in service on aircraft and helicopters for many years. BRACKET Foam Filters are installed as factory original equipment (OEM) on 16 current production aircraft and four helicopters. They number 88 different FAA-PMA approved models and they are also approved for sea planes. Their specially treated polyurethane element assures near total protection from any foreign material entering the system. Their treated foam is highly efficient at filtering with a dual stage foam element increasing dust holding capacity. They have no pleats to store dirt, they repel water, they are fire retardant and abrasive resistant and exhibit a good air flow for proper fuel/air ratio. Designed for low-cost maintenance with increased engine life requiring replacement of only the low cost element. FAA approved these air filter assemblies can replace original air filter units. Air filter elements are also offered for replacements.
The expected shelf life of Brackett elements stored in their original packaging and out of direct sunlight is 4 years from date of manufacture listed on the front of element packaging.This allows the element to be installed on an aircraft at the end of its shelf life.