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7000 Series Alloys Aluminum
High Performance Alloys (Superalloys)
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Hexagonal Nuts
Anchor Nuts (Nutplates)
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Aviation Piston Engines & Parts
Textron Lycoming
Continental Aerospace Technologies (Teledyne Continental Motors)
BRP (Rotax)
Sonex AeroConversions (AeroVee)
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Aviation Piston Engines & Parts
Aviation Piston Engines & Parts
Textron Lycoming
Continental Aerospace Technologies (Teledyne Continental Motors)
BRP (Rotax)
Sonex AeroConversions (AeroVee)
Great Plains Aviation Supply Company (GPASC)
Filter By
BRP (Rotax)
Continental Aerospace Technologies (Teledyne Continental Motors)
Sonex AeroConversions (AeroVee)
Textron Lycoming
Available as Certified and Non Certified product/part
Certificate of Conformance
Certified product/part
FAA Authorized Release Certificate, Airworthiness Approval Tag (8130-3 Form)
FAA Parts Manufacturer Approval (PMA)
Non Certified product/part
Other Info
Core Charge USD 600 incl.
Core Charge USD 900 incl.
Core Charge USD 1200 incl.
Core Charge USD 1100 incl.
Fits Narrow Deck Engines. Does NOT include Rocker Arms, piston pin or valve covers.
Fits Wide Deck Engines. Does NOT include Rocker Arms, piston pin or valve covers.
inc. High Comp-Parallel Head Cylinder,Valves (Installed),Piston,Rings,Piston Pin w. Plugs,Gasket Set
Works with 956-413 (Honeywell) and 456-180 (Keller) 4.20mA senders.
Works with UMA 7 PSI senders.
Core Charge USD 300 incl.
Core Charge USD 500 incl.
Core Charge USD 700 incl.
Core Charge USD 800 incl.
Core Charge USD 1000 incl.
Core Charge USD 1300 incl.
Core Charge USD 1500 incl.
Core Charge USD 2000 incl.
Core Charge USD 3000 incl.
Core Charge USD 4000 incl.
Core Charge USD 400 incl.
Core Charge USD 50 incl.
Available at a discounted price from surplus stocks till their exhaustion.
Analogue(s): B-3V
Limited Availability
For cooling water hose Dia. 25mm
For standard oil hose,Thread: M18X1.5
Includes: 8X Rubber,8X Washer,4XBand Nut SW15
For flare or horn for warning during overheating of the cylinder head. Assembly directly at cylinder head
For use with ROTAX Oil Pressure Relay PN. 956413
Transition part of fuel hose kit to cell, AGJ 37°C PN. 9716-18
Overflow Bottle NOT included
For use with hose nipple PN. 10685
For hose nipple PN. 10696 & bent socket PN. 10698 & PN. 10699
For fuel system suction side
Tube fitting 10mm
Tube fitting 8mm
For use with bulk adaptors PN. 10724 & PN. 10725
For connection directly on the fuel filter & fuel pressure regulator for fuel pressure monitoring
Does not conform with design permission.May result in engine malfunctions/losses.No liability acceptance by the manufacturer
Installation directly on the water pump
For connection with Fuel Filter P/N. 874060
Tank construction and installation needs to be specified i.c.w the manufacturer
ROTAX Fuel Pressure Sensor 664365,FLIGHT SYSTEMS 10-806 Hollow Screw Adapter,10-070 Harness 6.5 ft. w. connector
with hydraulic governor drive, governor flange sealing & reduction gearbox slipper clutch
with hydraulic governor drive & governor flange sealing
Superior oxidation stability,non-corrosive to metals,fast separation of water and good de-aeration properties
HAZMAT UN Number: 3082,Hazard Class 9
Accessory. Only supplied as part of B&C BC320 Aircraft Engine Starters
Can ONLY be used for OIL PRESSURE on EMS-D10, EMS-D120, and FlightDEK-D180. Requires firmware v5.4.2 or later.
For use with fuel systems with 2–50 PSI requirements
For use in most carbureted fuel systems with 0.6–15 PSI requirements
Analogue(s): Mobil Jet Oil II,Eastman Turbo Oil 2380,Aeroshell 500 Turbine Oil,LANXESS ROYCO 500 Turbine Oil
Analogue(s): Mobil Jet Oil 254/387,Eastman Turbo Oil 2197,Aeroshell 560 Turbine Oil,LANXESS ROYCO 560 Turbine Oil
Analogue(s): IPM-10
Analogue(s): MS-8P,MK-8P
incl. New Case,Slick Magneto & Starter/Alternator Kit
incl. 40A alternator, throttle body , ECU, wire harness & starter
MIL-harness with ultra lightweight connectors for connection of the EMU Lane A & B to Rotax engines
w. dual redundant CANaerospace interface inc. GPS receiver & EMDS data visualization tool
Mfr. P/N & Title
227500 ROTAX Gasket Ring 6.2/12/1
4140-00-47 DUKES Electric Fuel Pump
5367-00-1 DUKES Electric Fuel Pump 12V Dual Speed
5288-00-3 DUKES Electric Fuel Pump
5217-00-9 DUKES Electric Fuel Pump
5217-00-3 DUKES Electric Fuel Pump 28V Two Speed
5100-00-9 DUKES Electric Fuel Pump 24V Single Speed
5100-00-4 DUKES Electric Fuel Pump
5100-00-31 DUKES Electric Fuel Pump 24V Single Speed
5100-00-20 DUKES Electric Fuel Pump 24V Single Speed
5100-00-19 DUKES Electric Fuel Pump 24V Single Speed
4404-00-7NV DUKES Electric Fuel Pump 28V Two Speed
4258-00-15 DUKES Electric Fuel Pump 14V Single Speed
4150-00 DUKES Electric Fuel Pump 28V Two Speed (Solenoid)
4140-00-7NV DUKES Electric Fuel Pump 14V
4140-00-7 DUKES Electric Fuel Pump 14V Single Speed
4140-00-57 DUKES Electric Fuel Pump 14V Single Speed
253116 ROTAX Exhaust Valve Guide
4140-00-39NV DUKES Electric Fuel Pump 14V Single Speed
4140-00-311 DUKES Electric Fuel Pump 14V Single Speed
4140-00-29 DUKES Electric Fuel Pump 14V Single Speed
4140-00-21NV DUKES Electric Fuel Pump 14V
4140-00-21A DUKES Electric Fuel Pump 14V Single Speed
4140-00-218N DUKES Electric Fuel Pump 14V
4140-00-218 DUKES Electric Fuel Pump 14V Single Speed
4140-00-201NV DUKES Electric Fuel Pump 14V Single Speed
4140-00-19A DUKES Electric Fuel Pump 14V Single Speed
4140-00-184 DUKES Electric Fuel Pump 14V Single Speed
4140-00-17 DUKES Electric Fuel Pump 14V Single Speed
4140-00-153 DUKES Electric Fuel Pump 28V Single Speed
4140-00-15 DUKES Electric Fuel Pump 28V Single Speed
4140-00-105 DUKES Electric Fuel Pump 28V
4140-00-103NV DUKES Electric Fuel Pump 14V
4140-00-103 DUKES Electric Fuel Pump 14V Single Speed
4140-00 DUKES Electric Fuel Pump 28V
1817-00-1NV DUKES Electric Fuel Pump
1816-00-1NV DUKES Electric Fuel Pump 12V Single Speed
1521-00-3RX DUKES Electric Fuel Pump 28V Two Speed
1515-00-1 DUKES Electric Fuel Pump
1500-00-68 DUKES Electric Fuel Pump
1500-00-67 DUKES Electric Fuel Pump
1500-00-57 DUKES Electric Fuel Pump
1500-00-54 DUKES Electric Fuel Pump
1500-00-38 DUKES Electric Fuel Pump 24V Single Speed
1500-00-37 DUKES Electric Fuel Pump 28V
1500-00-35 DUKES Electric Fuel Pump 28V
1500-00-31 DUKES Electric Fuel Pump 28V Single Speed
1499-00-21NV DUKES Electric Fuel Boost Pump 14V Single Speed
1499-00-19NV DUKES Electric Fuel Boost Pump 14V Single Speed
1471-00-3 DUKES Electric Fuel Pump 12V
1429-00-1 DUKES Electric Fuel Pump
1310-00-1NV DUKES Electric Fuel Pump 28V
1297-00-1 DUKES Electric Fuel Pump 28V
1296-00-1NV DUKES Electric Fuel Pump 28V Single Speed
1197-00-1 DUKES Electric Fuel Pump
1184-00-3 DUKES Electric Fuel Pump 14V Single Speed
1184-00-2NV DUKES Electric Fuel Pump 14V Single Speed
1184-00-1 DUKES Electric Fuel Pump 14V Single Speed
1149-00-1 DUKES Electric Fuel Boost Pump
227505 ROTAX Gasket Ring 6.1/10/1
253255 ROTAX Exhaust Valve Piston
851302 ROTAX Exhaust Bracket
851303 ROTAX Exhaust Bracket
851308 ROTAX Exhaust Bracket
230387 ROTAX Gasket Ring 14.2/18/2
851680 ROTAX Exhaust Bracket
851684 ROTAX Exhaust Bracket
854058 ROTAX Exhaust Valve 76 mm
250010 ROTAX Gasket Ring C 12X18
854111 ROTAX Exhaust Valve 32 mm (repl. P/Ns 854116/854118/854119)
250425 ROTAX Gasket Ring 10.2/15/1.5
854113 ROTAX Exhaust Valve 32 mm
250735 ROTAX Gasket Ring A 14X20
854116 ROTAX Exhaust Valve 32 mm (repl. by P/N 854111)
854118 ROTAX Exhaust Valve 32 mm (repl. by P/N 854111)
430627 ROTAX Gasket Ring 16/22/1 (repl. by P/N 963281)
854119 ROTAX Exhaust Valve 32 mm (repl. by P/N 854111)
878936 ROTAX Exhaust Manifold Assy.
650040 ROTAX Gasket Ring 12.2/20/1
878937 ROTAX Exhaust Manifold Assy.
879053 ROTAX Exhaust Socket Assy.
879101 ROTAX Exhaust Elbow Assy.
879332 ROTAX Exhaust Manifold Assy.
881630 ROTAX Exhaust Assortment
881631 ROTAX Exhaust Assortment
830085 ROTAX Gasket Ring
881632 ROTAX Exhaust Assortment
881633 ROTAX Exhaust Assortment
881634 ROTAX Exhaust Assortment
881635 ROTAX Exhaust Assortment
881636 ROTAX Exhaust Assortment
881650 ROTAX Exhaust Assortment
881651 ROTAX Exhaust Assortment
881652 ROTAX Exhaust Assortment
881653 ROTAX Exhaust Assortment
881654 ROTAX Exhaust Assortment
881660 ROTAX Exhaust Assortment
881661 ROTAX Exhaust Assortment
881662 ROTAX Exhaust Assortment
881663 ROTAX Exhaust Assortment
881664 ROTAX Exhaust Assortment
881860 ROTAX Exhaust Parts Set 447/503 UL
881862 ROTAX Exhaust Parts Set 582 UL
950261 ROTAX Gasket Exhaust Flange
951550 ROTAX Exhaust Pipe Clamp Assy.
973010 ROTAX Exhaust Pipe Assy. Cyl. 1
973020 ROTAX Exhaust Pipe Assy. Cyl. 2
830890 ROTAX Gasket Ring 6.2/8.9/1 (repl. by P/N 230415)
973030 ROTAX Exhaust Pipe Assy. Cyl. 3
973040 ROTAX Exhaust Pipe Assy. Cyl. 4
973095 ROTAX Exhaust Elbow
973121 ROTAX Exhaust Manifold Assy.
973123 ROTAX Exhaust Manifold Assy.
973380 ROTAX Exhaust Assortment Stainless Steel (repl. by P/N 973387)
973381 ROTAX Exhaust Assortment FRANZ/GOMOLZIG
973383 ROTAX Exhaust Assortment Stainless Steel
973387 ROTAX Exhaust Assortment Stainless Steel 912 (repl. P/N 973380)
973390 ROTAX Exhaust Elbow Stainless Steel
973676 ROTAX Exhaust Assortment Stainless Steel
978010 ROTAX Exhaust System 90 Deg.
978015 ROTAX Exhaust System 90 Deg.-NR
978020 ROTAX Exhaust System 180 Deg.
978025 ROTAX Exhaust System 180 Deg.-NR
978243 ROTAX Exhaust Flange
978245 ROTAX Exhaust Flange
978252 ROTAX Exhaust Socket
978485 ROTAX Exhaust Assortment Standard
978489 ROTAX Exhaust Assortment Stainless Steel
978497 ROTAX Exhaust Elbow Assy. 360 Deg.
978502 ROTAX Exhaust Elbow Assy. 360 Deg.
978600 ROTAX Exhaust Elbow
978601 ROTAX Exhaust Elbow Stainless Steel
978605 ROTAX Exhaust Elbow Stainless Steel
978845 ROTAX Exhaust Muffler Assy.
978997 ROTAX Exhaust Tube 800 mm
978998 ROTAX Exhaust Tube 800 mm Stainless Steel
979210 ROTAX Exhaust Manifold Assy.
979380 ROTAX Exhaust Manifold Assy.
979411 ROTAX Exhaust Manifold Assy. Stainless Steel (repl. by P/N 979414)
979414 ROTAX Exhaust Manifold Assy. Stainless Steel
979416 ROTAX Exhaust Manifold Assy.
979422 ROTAX Exhaust Bend Cyl.1 Stainless Steel
979426 ROTAX Exhaust Bend Cyl. 1 Stainless Steel
979427 ROTAX Exhaust Pipe Assy. Cyl. 1
979436 ROTAX Exhaust Bend Cyl. 2 Stainless Steel
979437 ROTAX Exhaust Pipe Assy. Cyl. 2
979442 ROTAX Exhaust Bend Cyl. 3 Stainless Steel
979446 ROTAX Exhaust Bend Cyl. 3 Stainless Steel
979447 ROTAX Exhaust Pipe Assy. Cyl. 3
979456 ROTAX Exhaust Bend Cyl. 4 Stainless Steel
979457 ROTAX Exhaust Pipe Assy. Cyl. 4
979502 ROTAX Exhaust Pipe Assy. Cyl. 1
979512 ROTAX Exhaust Pipe Assy. Cyl. 2
979522 ROTAX Exhaust Pipe Assy. Cyl. 3
979533 ROTAX Exhaust Pipe Assy. Cyl. 4
979562 ROTAX Exhaust Manifold Assy.
979570 ROTAX Exhaust Pipe Clamp
227635 ROTAX Spring Cup
239015 ROTAX Compression Spring 16.9
239035 ROTAX Spring Clip
239043 ROTAX Hose Spring 134-2.3-0.4-0.0
239130 ROTAX Compression Spring 22.0
239131 ROTAX Compression Spring 22.0
239463 ROTAX Compression Spring
239628 ROTAX Compression Spring 32.4
239700 ROTAX Throttle Valve Spring
239730 ROTAX Compression Spring
239941 ROTAX Compression Spring 52.5 / 0.8 mm
239946 ROTAX Compression Spring 42 / 1.0 mm
239995 ROTAX Spring
661050 ROTAX Compression Spring
827345 ROTAX Spring Cup
827347 ROTAX Spring Cup
827430 ROTAX Spring Holding Cup
838122 ROTAX Compression Spring L39.5
838125 ROTAX Compression Spring L65.6
838155 ROTAX Valve Spring
838156 ROTAX Valve Spring
838161 ROTAX Disk Spring 100X76X2.7
838170 ROTAX Spring Washer 80X36X3 (repl. by P/N 838216)
838215 ROTAX Disk Spring B80 80X41X3 (repl. by P/N 838216)
838216 ROTAX Disk Spring B80 80X41X4 (repl. P/Ns 838170/838215)
838232 ROTAX Tension Spring Stainless Steel
838240 ROTAX Spring
838242 ROTAX Spring
838372 ROTAX Compression Spring DM22 D1.5 L50
938001 ROTAX Rewind Spring
930560 ROTAX Gasket Ring 8.1/12/1
938030 ROTAX Spring
938080 ROTAX Disk Spring 15X5.2X0.7
938092 ROTAX Disk Spring 102X49X2.9
938098 ROTAX Disk Spring 91.5X71X1.5
931200 ROTAX Gasket Ring 18.2/22/1.5
938285 ROTAX Return Spring
938287 ROTAX Return Spring
938289 ROTAX Return Spring
938365 ROTAX Throttle Valve Spring
938640 ROTAX Spring
938655 ROTAX Carburetor Piston Spring 1.25/14
938770 ROTAX Compression Spring 21.3 mm
938790 ROTAX Return Spring
938795 ROTAX Spring 66 mm
938810 ROTAX Compression Spring 25.1 mm
938986 ROTAX Locking Spring
939020 ROTAX Disk Spring B50
950143 ROTAX Gasket Ring 8.2/13/1.4
939030 ROTAX Spring
939078 ROTAX Rewind Spring Assy.
939079 ROTAX Rewind Spring Assy.
939105 ROTAX Compression Spring
939115 ROTAX Rewind Spring Assy.
963180 ROTAX Spring Clip
984454 ROTAX Spring Catridge Assy.
825511 ROTAX Air Filter
825551 ROTAX Air filter 912 (repl. PN 825725 - 2 pcs required)
825553 ROTAX Air Filter
825712 ROTAX Air Filter
825721 ROTAX Air Filter
825723 ROTAX Air Filter
825726 ROTAX Double Air Filter
825751 ROTAX Air Filter 914
825751 ROTAX Air Filter 914
825900 ROTAX Air Filter 915 iS Engine
931920 ROTAX Gasket Ring
268978 ROTAX Main Jet 125
261085 ROTAX Main Jet 128
268979 ROTAX Main Jet 130
268980 ROTAX Main Jet 135
268998 ROTAX Main Jet 138
268981 ROTAX Main Jet 140
268994 ROTAX Main Jet 142
268982 ROTAX Main Jet 145
268995 ROTAX Main Jet 148
268983 ROTAX Main Jet 150
268984 ROTAX Main Jet 155
268997 ROTAX Main Jet 156
268996 ROTAX Main Jet 158
268985 ROTAX Main Jet 160
268990 ROTAX Main Jet 162
268993 ROTAX Main Jet 164
268986 ROTAX Main Jet 165
268987 ROTAX Main Jet 170
268988 ROTAX Main Jet 175
268989 ROTAX Main Jet 180
261080 ROTAX Main Jet 185
261084 ROTAX Main Jet 190
268992 ROTAX Main Jet 195
261082 ROTAX Main Jet 200
261087 ROTAX Main Jet 205
261083 ROTAX Main Jet 210
261081 ROTAX Main Jet 220
256180 ROTAX Oil Filter Element
825010 ROTAX Oil Filter
825012 ROTAX Oil Filter 912/914 Engines (repl. by P/N. 825016)
825016 ROTAX Oil Filter Packaged (912/914 Engines repl. P/Ns. 825701/825703/825706/825707/825012)
825703 ROTAX Oil Filter (repl. by P/N. 825706)
825704 ROTAX Oil Filter (repl. by P/N. 825010)
825705 ROTAX Oil Filter
825706 ROTAX Oil Filter 912/914 Engines (repl. by P/N. 825012)
825707 ROTAX Oil Filter (repl. by P/N. 825012)
877620 ROTAX Oil Filter Wrench
956330 ROTAX Oil Filter
825701 ROTAX Oil Filter (repl. by P/N. 825703)
924420 ROTAX Oil Filter Nipple (repl. by P/N. 924424)
924421 ROTAX Oil Filter Nipple (repl. by P/N. 924423)
924423 ROTAX Oil Filter Nipple (repl. by P/N. 924424)
924424 ROTAX Oil Filter Nipple (repl. P/Ns. 924420/924421/924423)
924430 ROTAX Oil Filter Nipple
240031 Hex Screw
240036 Hex Screw
240275 Hex Screw
240276 Hex Screw
240277 Hex Screw
240281 Hex Screw
240320 Hex Screw
240381 Hex Screw
240631 Hex Screw
240911 Hex Screw
240931 Hex Screw
241430 Hex Screw
241773 Hex Screw
241991 Hex Screw
440240 Hex Screw
640171 Hex Screw
640600 Hex Screw
640601 Hex Screw
641071 Hex Screw
841115 Hex Screw
841150 Hex Screw
841201 Hex Screw (repl. P/N. 240123)
841301 Hex Screw
841302 Hex Screw
841311 Hex Screw
841581 Hex Screw
841601 Hex Screw
841651 Hex Screw
841656 Hex Screw
841690 Hex Screw
841731 Hex Screw. No longer available.
841875 Hex Screw
842585 Hex Screw
940121 Hex Screw. No longer available.
940251 Hex Screw
940326 Hex Screw
940481 Hex Screw
940483 Hex Screw
940490 Hex Screw
940491 Hex Screw. No longer available.
940561 Hex Screw
940563 Hex Screw
940581 Hex Screw
940583 Hex Screw
940592 Hex Screw
940596 Hex Screw
940616 Hex Screw
940755 Hex Screw
940801 Hex Screw
941051 Hex Screw
941056 Hex Screw
941061 Hex Screw
941121 Hex Screw
941171 Hex Screw
941350 Hex Screw
941501 Hex Screw
941631 Hex Screw (repl. by P/N. 941636)
941636 Hex Screw (repl. P/N. 941631)
941651 Hex Screw
941680 Hex Screw
941730 Hex Screw
941760 Hex Screw
942810 Hex Screw
841580 Hex Screw. No longer available.
240071 Allen Screw
240073 Allen Screw
240081 Allen Screw
240083 Allen Screw
240123 Allen Screw (repl. by P/N. 841201)
240153 Allen Screw
240181 Allen Screw (repl. by P/N. 441341)
240186 Allen Screw
240531 Allen Screw (repl. by P/N. 240533)
240533 Allen Screw (repl. P/N. 240531)
241231 Allen Screw
241236 Allen Screw
241237 Allen Screw (repl. P/N. 241236)
241239 Allen Screw
241261 Allen Screw (repl. by P/N. 241263)
241263 Allen Screw (repl. P/N. 241261)
241481 Allen Screw (repl. by P/N. 241482)
241482 Allen Screw (repl. P/N. 241481)
241761 Allen Screw
241811 Allen Screw
241813 Allen Screw (repl. by P/N. 241814)
241814 Allen Screw (repl. P/N. 241813)
241816 Allen Screw
241821 Allen Screw (repl. by P/N. 241823
241823 Allen Screw (repl. P/N. 241821)
241830 Allen Screw
241841 Allen Screw (repl. by P/N. 241842)
241842 Allen Screw (repl. P/N. 241841)
241846 Allen Screw (repl. by P/N. 241847)
241847 Allen Screw (repl. P/N. 241846)
241871 Allen Screw
241875 Allen Screw
241930 Allen Screw
241932 Allen Screw (repl. by P/N. 241939)
241933 Allen Screw
241939 Allen Screw (repl. P/N. 241932)
440107 Allen Screw
440191 Allen Screw
440217 Allen Screw
440260 Allen Screw
440421 Allen Screw (repl. by P/N. 440427)
440427 Allen Screw
440581 Allen Screw (repl. by P/N. 440586)
440586 Allen Screw
440722 Allen Screw (repl. by P/N. 440686)
440937 Allen Screw (repl. by P/N. 840091)
441202 Allen Screw (repl. by P/N. 840101)
441341 Allen Screw (repl. P/N. 240181)
640091 Allen Screw
640541 Allen Screw
640542 Allen Screw
640572 Allen Screw
640611 Allen Screw
640932 Allen Screw
640942 Allen Screw (repl. by P/N. 940071)
840036 Allen Screw
840371 Allen Screw. No longer available.
840391 Allen Screw
840392 Allen Screw
840401 Allen Screw
840511 Allen Screw
840515 Allen Screw
840518 Allen Screw
840681 Allen Screw
840763 Allen Screw
840861 Allen Screw
840863 Allen Screw
840880 Allen Screw
840883 Allen Screw
840887 Allen Screw
840888 Allen Screw
840947 Allen Screw. No longer available.
840948 Allen Screw
840991 Allen Screw
840992 Allen Screw
840993 Allen Screw
841501 Allen Screw
841502 Allen Screw
841520 Allen Screw
841521 Allen Screw
841561 Allen Screw
841566 Allen Screw
841591 Allen Screw
841820 Allen Screw
841831 Allen Screw
841841 Allen Screw
841847 Allen Screw (repl. by P/N. 440406)
841940 Allen Screw. No longer available.
841991 Allen Screw
940880 Allen Screw
940881 Allen Screw
940885 Allen Screw
941487 Allen Screw
941521 Allen Screw
941522 Allen Screw
941526 Allen Screw (repl. by P/N. 941527)
941527 Allen Screw (repl. P/N. 941526)
941551 Allen Screw
941557 Allen Screw
941791 Allen Screw
413185 Cylinder Head 2/3 Assy.
413195 Cylinder Head 1/4 Assy.
413235 Cylinder Head 2/3 Assy. No longer available.
413236 Cylinder Head 2/3 Assy.
413238 Cylinder Head 2/3 Assy.
413245 Cylinder Head 1/4 Assy. No longer available.
413246 Cylinder Head 1/4 Assy.
623107 Cylinder Head 2/3 Assy. (repl. by P/N. 623435)
623109 Cylinder Head 2/3 Assy. (repl. by P/N. 623437)
623117 Cylinder Head 1/4 Assy. (repl. by P/N. 623445)
623119 Cylinder Head 1/4 Assy. (repl. by P/N. 623447)
623434 Cylinder Head 2/3 Assy. (repl. by P/N. 623585)
623435 Cylinder Head 2/3 Assy. (repl. by P/N. 623436)
623436 Cylinder Head 2/3 Assy. (repl. by P/N. 623434)
623437 Cylinder Head 2/3 Assy. (repl. by P/N. 623438)
623438 Cylinder Head 2/3 Assy. (repl. by P/N. 623439)
623439 Cylinder Head 2/3 Assy. (repl. by P/N. 623587)
623444 Cylinder Head 1/4 Assy. (repl. by P/N. 623595)
623445 Cylinder Head 1/4 Assy. (repl. by P/N. 623446)
623446 Cylinder Head 1/4 Assy. (repl. by P/N. 623444)
623447 Cylinder Head 1/4 Assy. (repl. by P/N. 623448)
623448 Cylinder Head 1/4 Assy. (repl. by P/N. 623449)
623449 Cylinder Head 1/4 Assy. (repl. by P/N. 623597)
623585 Cylinder Head 2/3 Assy. (repl. by P/N. 623586)
623586 Cylinder Head 2/3 Assy. No longer available.
623587 Cylinder Head 2/3 Assy. (repl. by P/N. 623588)
623588 Cylinder Head 2/3 Assy. (repl. by P/N. 623686)
623595 Cylinder Head 1/4 Assy. (repl. by P/N. 623596)
623596 Cylinder Head 1/4 Assy. (repl. by P/N. 623691)
623597 Cylinder Head 1/4 Assy. (repl. by P/N. 623598)
623598 Cylinder Head 1/4 Assy. (repl. by P/N. 623696)
623680 Cylinder Head 2/3 Assy. (repl. by P/N. 623682)
623681 Cylinder Head 2/3 Assy. (repl. by P/N. 623680)
623682 Cylinder Head 2/3 Assy. (repl. by P/N. 413235)
623685 Cylinder Head 2/3 Assy. (repl. by P/N. 623687)
623686 Cylinder Head 2/3 Assy. (repl. by P/N. 623685)
623687 Cylinder Head 2/3 Assy. (repl. by P/N. 413185)
623690 Cylinder Head 1/4 Assy. (repl. by P/N. 623692)
623691 Cylinder Head 1/4 Assy. (repl. by P/N. 623690)
623692 Cylinder Head 1/4 Assy. (repl. by P/N. 413245)
623695 Cylinder Head 1/4 Assy. (repl. by P/N. 623697)
623696 Cylinder Head 1/4 Assy. (repl. by P/N. 623695)
623697 Cylinder Head 1/4 Assy. (repl. by P/N. 413195)
623775 Cylinder Head 2/3 Assy.
623777 Cylinder Head 2/3 Assy.
623785 Cylinder Head 1/4 Assy.
623787 Cylinder Head 1/4 Assy.
201011 ROTAX Air Intake Hose
201015 ROTAX Air Intake Hose
260430 ROTAX Protection Hose 8X0.7 Black
260791 ROTAX Shrink Hose 30 mm
822420 ROTAX Form Hose 1
822430 ROTAX Form Hose 2
822440 ROTAX Form Hose 3
822445 ROTAX Form Hose 4
822450 ROTAX Form Hose
830962 ROTAX Protection Hose 12X16X40
860300 ROTAX Low Pressure Hose GC 5.5Χ10.5
860303 ROTAX Low Pressure Hose 335 mm (repl. by PN 860300)
860621 ROTAX Shrink Hose 40 mm
860660 ROTAX Hose 4X7 (m)
860980 ROTAX Hose 50X5
860982 ROTAX Connecting Hose 35 mm (repl. by PN 860985)
860983 ROTAX Air Intake Hose (repl. by PN 860984)
860984 ROTAX Air Intake Hose 250 ±3 mm
860990 ROTAX Protection Hose 8X1
860991 ROTAX Protection Hose 8X1
867801 ROTAX Air Intake Hose
874280 ROTAX Fuel Hose Assy. 2/4
874290 ROTAX Fuel Hose Assy. 1/3
874294 ROTAX Fuel Hose Assy.
874333 ROTAX Fuel Hose 6X11
874335 ROTAX Fuel Hose Assy. (repl. by PN 874336)
874336 ROTAX Fuel Hose Assy.
874337 ROTAX Fuel Hose Assy.
874345 ROTAX Fuel Hose Assy. (repl. by PN 874347 plus nipple and gasket)
874347 ROTAX Fuel Hose Assy.
922100 ROTAX Radiator Hose
922110 ROTAX Bent Hose (repl. by PN 922116)
922111 ROTAX Bent Hose
922113 ROTAX Bent Hose
922115 ROTAX Connecting Hose 110 mm
922116 ROTAX Bent Hose (repl. PN 922110)
922117 ROTAX Connecting Hose 110 mm
922124 ROTAX Connecting Hose 150 mm
922543 ROTAX Protection Hose 30 mm
956140 ROTAX Low Pressure Hose OLN(E) (repl. by PN 956142)
956142 ROTAX Low Pressure Hose OLN(E) (repl. 956140)
956236 ROTAX Protection Hose
956260 ROTAX Low Pressure Hose GC 7.5X12.5
956261 ROTAX Radiator Hose
956262 ROTAX Radiator Hose 95 mm
956263 ROTAX Radiator Hose 1000 mm
960010 ROTAX Shrinkable Hose Imprinted
960015 ROTAX Shrinkable Hose Imprinted
960187 ROTAX Protection Hose 170 mm
966060 ROTAX Spiral Hose 6.5X8.5X0.6
974050 ROTAX Fuel Hose
974060 ROTAX Fuel Hose
974530 ROTAX Fuel Hose A5X8
974542 ROTAX Fuel Hose 250 mm
860985 ROTAX Connecting Hose 35 mm (repl. PN 860982)
874911 ROTAX Fuel Hose Assy. (repl. PN 874910)
922192 ROTAX Form Hose 90 Deg. (repl. PN 922191)
922250 ROTAX Water Hose DIN 73411‐17X4‐B‐EPDM (repl. PNs 922541/922542/922252/922253/922255)
922381 ROTAX Bent Hose 25/90 Deg.
922382 ROTAX Form Hose 25/90 Deg.
922520 ROTAX Molded Hose 25/180 Deg. (repl. by PN 922521)
922521 ROTAX Molded Hose 25/180 Deg. (repl. PN 922520)
956230 ROTAX Low Pressure Hose 9X14 (m) (repl. PNs 956234/956235)
956234 ROTAX Oil Hose 155 mm (m) (repl. by PN 956230)
956235 ROTAX Oil Hose 360 mm (m) (repl. by PN 956230)
915 iSA ROTAX 4-Cylinder Turbo Charged Aircraft Engine
915 iScA ROTAX 4-Cylinder Turbo Charged Aircraft Engine
ROTAX 915 iS /916 iS Series Aircraft Engine Option: Air Guide Baffle Installed
ROTAX 915 iS Series Aircraft Engine Option: 2 Electrical Fuel Pumps
ROTAX 915 iS /916 iS Series Aircraft Engine Option: Silicon Water Hoses
ROTAX 915 iSA/915 iScA/916 iSA Aircraft Engine Option: Starter 24V
914 F ROTAX 4-Cylinder Turbo Charged Aircraft Engine (fixed pitch propeller)
914 F3 ROTAX 4-Cylinder Turbo Charged Aircraft Engine (constant speed propeller)
ROTAX 914 F Series Aircraft Engine Option: Drive Vacuum Pump
ROTAX 914F/914UL Series Aircraft Engine Option: Electric Starter (high duty)
ROTAX 914F/914UL Series Aircraft Engine Option: Mechanical Tachometer Pick-up
912 UL ROTAX 4-Cylinder 4-Stroke Carbureted 80HP Aircraft Engine
912 UL 3 ROTAX 4-Cylinder 4-Stroke Carbureted 80HP Aircraft Engine (constant speed propeller)
912 ULS 2 ROTAX 4-Cylinder 4-Stroke Fuel Injected 100HP Aircraft Engine
912 ULS 3 ROTAX 4-Cylinder 4-Stroke Fuel Injected 100HP Aircraft Engine (constant speed propeller)
ROTAX 912 UL/ULS Series Aircraft Engine Option: Drive Vacuum Pump
ROTAX 912 UL Series Aircraft Engine Option: Slipper Clutch for Reduction Gearbox
ROTAX 912 UL Series Aircraft Engine Option: Electric Starter Large (HD- High Duty)
ROTAX 912 UL/ULS Series Aircraft Engine Option: Mechanical Tachometer Pick-Up
06E19769-1.25 LYCOMING Annular Gasket I.D. 1.250 (repl. P/N: STD-1045)
TIST10.1CA TITAN Cylinder Assy., LYC O-360/O-540 Series Engines, Steel Bore, Class 10.1
TIST12.0CA TITAN Cylinder Assy., LYC O-360/O-540 Series Engines, Steel Bore, Class 12.0
05K21104 Cylinder Piston & Ring Assy Kit, 0360 Wide Deck
264861 ROTAX Shielded Spark Plug Cap
265240 ROTAX Suppressed Spark Plug Connector (repl. by PN 265248)
265248 ROTAX Spark Plug Connector (repl. PN 265240)
276280 ROTAX Spark Plug Wrench 18 mm
276282 ROTAX Spark Plug Wrench 16 mm
297656 ROTAX Spark Plug 12 (repl. PN 297940)
297940 ROTAX Spark Plug 12 NGK DCPR8E (repl. by PN 297656)
860070 ROTAX Spark Plug Cover
866702 ROTAX Spark Plug Connector
866705 ROTAX Suppressed Spark Plug Connector
866708 ROTAX Spark Plug Connector
881330 ROTAX Spark Plug 12 Wrapped Up (repl. PN 897259)
886830 ROTAX Spark Plug Conversion Kit 912
897050 ROTAX Spark Plug 14 mm NGK B8 ES Solid
897055 ROTAX Spark Plug 14 mm NGK BR 8 ES Solid
897250 ROTAX Spark Plug 12 mm NGK D7EA M4
897255 ROTAX Spark Plug 12 mm