CHEMETALL® is the brand for the Surface Treatment global business unit of BASF's Coatings division & a leading supplier of applied surface treatment technologies for metal, plastic & glass substrates.
CHEMETALL® ARDROX® 185 Series colorless scale/rust removers have a greater than 12.5 pH level and a relative density of 1.43. The series includes 185L, a highly alkaline concentrated solution in water containing sequestrants and 185 water soluble powder offering a strong alkaline solution containing sequestrants. They can be used to remove rust and scale from iron and steel in immersion tanks but also oil, grease and some air-dried paints. They will not attack or cause hydrogen embrittlement in ferrous alloys and there is markedly less tendency for re-rusting to occur than with acid pickling.
ARDROX® 185L is usually used at a concentration of 30-50% by volume in water, depending on the amount of rust or scale to be removed. This corresponds to a concentration of 200 - 375 g/L of ARDROX® 185 in water. ARDROX® 185 must always be dissolved in cold water. There will be an exothermic reaction and the solution will heat up to 50-60°C / 120-140°F. The ARDROX® 185L is applied by immersion between 82 and 93°C (180 and 200°F). Agitate with mechanical agitation, do not use air agitation.
The immersion time will vary according to the degree of contamination, light rust being removed in approximately 10 minutes while heavy rust may take about an hour. If the components are heavily contaminated with oil or grease, the life of the ARDROX® 185L bath will be prolonged if they are first degreased (e.g. with an ARDROX 6-series product).
When used in conjunction with the adequate other ARDROX® specialties (sold separately), ARDROX® 185L can be used to remove scale from hot-end jet engine components. It can also be used for cleaning parts made of titanium.
Thorough water rinsing must take place after the use of ARDROX® 185L. If no further immediate surface treatment is to follow, the use of a dewatering and protective fluid such as an ARDROX® 3-series is desirable to give protection from re-rusting.
The ARDROX® 185L comes in a 5-gallon and 180-liter containers while the 185 powder in 25 kg bags.
Qualifications / Approvals:
SAE - ARP 1755B ( conformance )
Rolls Royce - CSS244 OMat
SNECMA - DMR 70-620
GE SPMC 70-80-04
Pratt Whitney - SPMC 70-12-00
For additional information please refer to the attached documentation.