List of products by brand BERINGER AERO (BERINGER)

BERINGER AERO manufactures wheels and brakes for a wide range of aircraft from ultralight airplanes to certified aircraft as Pilatus PC-6, Cirrus SR22 and Vision Jet, Piper PA46/28 and Diamond DA42.

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BERINGER Aircraft Wheel &...

BERINGER AERO manufactures a range of wheels, brakes and related parts for use on certfied and non-certified aircraft (LSAs, experimentals and gliders). Their product portfolio includes among others wheels,Certified (STC) and Non Certified wheel/brake assemblies, wheel and brake parts and related tools.

Wheel and brake parts are included in this presentation while wheels and wheel/brake assemblies and tire options are separately presented.

For more information please refer to the Product Description section and the supplied documentation or contact us.


BERINGER AERO manufactures a range of wheels, brakes and related parts for use on certfied and non-certified aircraft (LSAs, experimentals and gliders). Their product portfolio includes among others wheels,Certified (STC) and Non Certified wheel/brake assemblies, wheel and brake parts and related tools.

Wheels and wheel/brake assemblies and tire options are included in this presentation while other offered options and wheel and brake parts and related tools are separately presented.

BERINGER wheels can be supplied with mounted tires and inner tire tubes, aluminum or steel axles and hardware in different options and wheel caps which are sold separately. Please refer to the separate product presentation on BERINGER AERO wheel and brake parts.

BERINGER AERO RA Series nose/tail wheels  are offered in  4" 5" 6" 12.5"diameters. Non- certified models are intended for use on Ultralights and LSAs. Features of RA Series wheels include:

• Wheel in 2 halves 

• Made of high strength aluminum, machined from billet 

• Sulfuric anodizing 

• Tubeless for safety (O-ring and rigid valve) 

• Waterproof bearings → no repack (stainless steel available in option) 

• Steel or aluminum axles

• Tubeless tires (see Tire – Wheel Correspondence Table) 

• Stainless steel bearings optional

• Wheel caps optional

• Available certification (STC/STC TSO) for models RA-001 | RA-005 | RA-013 | RA-014 | RA-015

BERINGER AERO 5" diameter standard wheel/brake assemblies are offered in 4.00" (PN RF-020) and 5.00" widths  (PN RF-019). They feature:

• Single brake caliper with Aerotec® patent : stainless steel piston - sintered pads,

• Stainless steel floating disc,

• Different tire options as per the supplied Tire-Wheel Correspondence Table,

• Aluminum or steel axle options. Please refer to the separate product presentation on BERINGER AERO on wheel and brake parts for wheel axles and hardware,

• Matching wheel caps. Anodized caps from billet aluminum machined on CNC and offered as options for use in BERINGER AERO 5" - 6" wheels.

For more information please refer to the supplied documentation or contact us.