DONALDSON® COMPANY INC. is one of the largest filtration manufacturers in the world, providing filters and filtration components for a wide range of applications including commercial airliners, military applications and general aviation aircraft, agriculture and forestry, construction, mining, truck, and bus manufacturers as well as other markets.
DONALDSON® AEROSPACE FILTRATION (AFS) cleaners/degreasers and oils are used in inlet barrier filters to bring the filters back to full capacity after their cleaning process. Offered in 1 US gallon and 5 US gallon sizes. Filter Cleaning Kits are also offered containing 1 US gallon of AFS Oil, 1 gallon of AFS Cleaner/Degreaser, a 16-ounce bottle and spout for re-oiling, a cleaner/degreaser sprayer, and seamer pliers (2-inch and 6-inch).
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