List of products by brand ANDAIR

Fuel system items such as selectors, pumps and gascolators, for use in amateur-built and certified aircraft

Design and manufacturing of precision aircraft components, typically fuel system items such as selectors, pumps and gascolators, for use in amateur-built and certified aircraft

Active filters

ANDAIR FS25 Series 1/2"...

Manufactured to the highest standards, the Andair standard fuel selector range incorporates 1/4"(FS16), 3/8"(FS20) and the 1/2"(FS25) valves. These valves allow for multiple tank switching of one fuel line. Duplex fuel selectors are also offered  (see separate product presentations). FS16, FS20 and FS25 series of fuel selectors are designed for safety, provide a precise and smooth feel in operation  and come in different types, ranging from Type 1 ON/OFF shut off valves to valves with multiple positions. To prevent the pilot switching the wrong tank or turning the fuel off they feature  a large red lever with 'Fuel' engraved on it and a clearly labelled fascia plate to indicate which tank has been selected. It allows for a good solid detent at each tank position and also the button on top of the lever must be raised to switch the fuel off.

FS25 series 1/2" fuel selectors has been designed for engines up to 560 HP (50+ GHP), provides a choice of fittings and all units can be operated with an extension and universal joints. They come in the following types:

Type 1 (FS25-1): ON / OFF Shut Off valve for 1/2" fuel lines. There is a 90 degree action between the two positions and included with the valve is the safety button. 

Type 2 (FS25-2): Three way 3/8” fuel selector with positions LEFT-RIGHT-OFF and a 90 degree action between each tank selection. No lower fitting for use where there is little space behind the valve. 

Type 3 (FS25-3): Three way selector with positions LEFT - RIGHT - OFF. No lower fitting. This valve has inlets ports at the Left and Right hand side and the outlet towards the front.

Type 4 (FS25-4): Designed for high wing aircraft, it has four lever positions OFF - LEFT - BOTH – RIGHT with a 90 degree action between each position.There are 3 ports. The lower port is the outlet to the engine and can be Male AN-8, Female 3/8 NPT or a  360 degree Banjo adjustable fitting with a male AN-8 end.

Type 5 (FS25-5): 4 way Fuel Selector ( 3 tanks and OFF ) with positions LEFT - MAIN - RIGHT - OFF, each at 90 degree intervals. The inlet ports are around the side of the valve and the outlet is at the bottom of the valve.

For additional information please refer to the product presentations, the supplied documentation or contact us.

ANDAIR FS20 Series 3/8"...

Manufactured to the highest standards, the Andair standard fuel selector range incorporates 1/4"(FS16), 3/8"(FS20) and the 1/2"(FS25) valves. These valves allow for multiple tank switching of one fuel line. Duplex fuel selectors are also offered  (see separate product presentations). FS16, FS20 and FS25 series of fuel selectors are designed for safety, provide a precise and smooth feel in operation  and come in different types, ranging from Type 1 ON/OFF shut off valves to valves with multiple positions. To prevent the pilot switching the wrong tank or turning the fuel off they feature  a large red lever with 'Fuel' engraved on it and a clearly labelled fascia plate to indicate which tank has been selected. It allows for a good solid detent at each tank position and also the button on top of the lever must be raised to switch the fuel off.

FS20 series 3/8" fuel selectors provide a choice of lower and side fittings, and all units can be operated with an extension and universal joints. They come in the following types:

Type 1 (FS20-1): simple 3/8” ON/OFF shut off valve with 90 degrees action between the two positions. There are two ports and either port can be used as the inlet or outlet.

Type 2 (FS20-2): Three way 3/8” fuel selector with positions LEFT-RIGHT-OFF and a 90 degree action between each tank selection. No lower fitting for use where there is little space behind the valve. 

Type 3 (FS20-3): three way selector with the positions LEFT - RIGHT - OFF. Generally used in low wing aircraft with a tank in each wing.

Type 4 (FS20-4): Designed for high wing aircraft, it has four lever positions OFF - LEFT - BOTH – RIGHT with a 90 degree action between each position.There are 3 ports. The lower port is the outlet to the engine and can be Male AN-6, Female 1/4NPT or a  360 degree Banjo adjustable fitting with a male AN-6 end.

Type 5 (FS20-5): 4 way Fuel Selector ( 3 tanks and OFF ) with positions LEFT - MAIN - RIGHT - OFF, each at 90 degree intervals.

Type 7 (FS20-7): Newest in the range 3 way fuel selector with positions LEFT - RIGHT - OFF. The inlets are at the 45 degree positions, to the LEFT and RIGHT, and the outlet is at the base of the valve. FS20-7 has been designed for centre consol mounting.

Type 8 (FS20-8): 5 way Fuel Selector ( 4 tanks and OFF ) with positions LEFT TIP - LEFT - RIGHT - RIGHT TIP - OFF, each at 72 degree intervals. 

For additional information please refer to the product presentations, the supplied documentation or contact us.

ANDAIR FS16 Series 1/4"...

Manufactured to the highest standards, the Andair standard fuel selector range incorporates 1/4"(FS16), 3/8"(FS20) and the 1/2"(FS25) valves. These valves allow for multiple tank switching of one fuel line. Duplex fuel selectors are also offered by Andair (see separate product presentations). FS16, FS20 and FS25 series of fuel selectors are designed for safety, provide a precise and smooth feel in operation  and come in different types, ranging from Type 1 ON/OFF shut off valves to valves with multiple positions to ensure the right fuel tank selection. Can be supplied with different fittings. To prevent the pilot switching the wrong tank or turning the fuel off they feature  a large red lever with 'Fuel' engraved on it and a clearly labelled fascia plate to indicate which tank has been selected. It allows for a good solid detent at each tank position and also the button on top of the lever must be raised to switch the fuel off.

Designed for use with Light Sport and Ultralight aircraft, FS16 series 1/4" fuel selectors come in the following types:

Type 1 (FS16x1): simple 1/4” ON/OFF shut off valve with 90 degrees action between the two positions. On the FS16x1 there are two ports and either port can be used as the inlet or outlet.

Type 2 (FS16x2): Three way 1/4” fuel selector with positions LEFT-RIGHT-OFF and a 90 degree action between each tank selection. No lower fitting for use where there is little space behind the valve. 

Type 4 (FS16x4): Designed for high wing aircraft, it has four lever positions OFF - LEFT - BOTH – RIGHT with a 90 degree action between each position.On the FS16x4 there are 3 ports. The lower port is the outlet to the engine is 1/8 NPT Female. The inlet, side ports are 1/8 NPT Female and are at the 9 o'clock and 12 o'clock positions when looking at the valve with the brass ball spindle pointing upwards. At the 3 o'clock position there is a blanking plate that covers up a PTFE gland opposing the forces of the other 2 PTFE glands.

Type 2 and Type 4 valves do not allow cross feed between each tank when the selector is in the OFF position.

For additional information please refer to the product presentations, the supplied documentation or contact us.

ANDAIR FS2020/FS2520 Series...

The Andair standard fuel selector valve range incorporates 1/4"(FS16), 3/8"(FS20) and the 1/2"(FS25) valves. These valves allow for multiple tank switching of one fuel line. 

Manufactured to the highest standards, all Andair fuel selector valves are designed for safety, provide a precise and smooth feel in operation and can be supplied with custom engraving. They feature  a large red lever with 'Fuel' engraved on it and a clearly labelled fascia plate to indicate which tank has been selected. It allows for a good solid detent at each tank position and also the button on top of the lever must be raised to switch the fuel off. All these features help prevent the pilot switching the wrong tank or turning the fuel off.

Andair duplex fuel selector valves have two separate compartments so that two independent fuel lines can be switched simultaneously making them ideal for fuel injected or diesel engines where there needs to be a return line. It allows to pipe surplus fuel to the same tank from which it was drawn. This avoids overfilling the return tank or having an overly complicated fuel system. 

FS2020(*) fuel selector valves feature two 3/8" sections for feed & return. FS2520(*) fuel selector valves feature one 1/2" feed section and one 3/8" return section. Both can be supplied with different ANDAIR fittings to meet application requirements. 

Engines that can benefit from these valves are Surburu, Continental, Rotax, and Diesel aircraft engines. 

For additional information please refer to the product presentations, the supplied documentation or contact us.

(*) Fittings in product titles relate to inlet from right tank, outlet to engine and inlet from left tank in the lower and upper side of the valve.